One by One uhc CONFERENCE 2019
Achieving UHC: A Sustainable future for africa
SEPTEMBER 23, 2019 • New York, NY

On September 23, 2019, the second annual One by One: Target 2030 Conference took place following the United Nations High-level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage and the Climate Action Summit. The Conference, "Achieving UHC: A Sustainable Future for Africa", catalyzed conversations on how best to translate the dual calls of Africa Agenda 2063 and SDG 2030 into UHC in Africa. Its host, The Access Challenge, brought leaders from across the health, WASH, food, energy, and finance sectors to define and contextualize the meaning of UHC in Africa.
The event was presided over by H.E. Dr. Jakaya M. Kikwete and The AU Commissioner for Social Affairs, H.E. Amira El Fadil.

The opening session featured an engaging discussion among African Ministers, parliamentarians, and global leaders on how best to leverage high-level political leadership and collaboration across various sectors to achieve Universal Access to Health in Africa. Leaders spotlighted successful integration initiatives, identified opportunities within and outside the health community, and will promote effective solutions within their countries in order to achieve a sustainable and healthy future for all.
Hon. Aurelien Simplice Zingas
Panel sessions:
ON driving an inclusive health agenda

Water is life. Yet this resource is often scarce, contaminated, the source of disease transmission, or lethal in natural disasters. By not addressing water access, sanitation and infrastructure in the UHC Agenda, we risk not only continued poor health conditions for communities, but an increased health burden on women as well as individuals with physical and intellectual disability.

Angela Nguku
Founder, Executive Director of White Ribbon Alliance

Dr. Mwele Ntuli Malecela
Director of Neglected Tropical Diseases, World Health Organization

Jennifer Sara
Global Director of World Bank Group's Water Global Practice

Malcolm Quigley
Deputy Director, Innovations and Special Projects Maverick Collective, PSI

H.E. Toyin Saraki
Founder-President, The Wellbeing Foundation
Key Quotes from the panelists
"We are always talking about new commitments. But who is holding the deliverers of these commitments accountable? Accountability needs to be and it needs to be there now more than ever, espeically in the act towards UHC."
-Angela Nguku, Founder & Executive Director, White Ribbon Alliance
"We need to make sure to better understand the link between lack of investment in infrastructure and sanitation and disease."
- Dr. Mwele Malecela, Director of NTDs, WHO
“You need a combination of participation of many different entities, and it comes down to strong political leadership and mental conviction. Set targets, around which the people can galvanize.”
- Dr. Jennifer Sara, Global Director, World Bank Group Global Water Practice
David Evangelista
President and Managing Director of Special Olympics Europe Eurasia

Air pollution can lead to various respiratory diseases which cost the global economy over $255 billion each year from lost labor. This pollution is the second leading cause of NCDs worldwide affecting people's health from both indoor and outdoors sources. When sustainable energy and clean air are promoted within the UHC agenda, we can open up vast possibilities for accelerated health access for both urban and rural populations.

Dr. Maria Neira
Director of Public Health, Environmental and Social Determinants of Health, World Health Organization
Phangisile Mtshali
Director of Programming
in Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia,
Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation
H.E. Hajia Samira Bawumia
Second Lady of the Republic of Ghana, Global Ambassador, Clean Cooking Alliance

Jem Porcaro
Senior Director for Energy Access, United Nations Foundation

Sheila Oparaocha
International Coordinator and Program Manager, ENERGIA
Key Quotes from the panelists
"25% of the global burden of disease is linked to the environmental risk factors that could be modifiable, prevented. Are we committing 25% of our resources on preventing these diseases and conditions, no, we are spending less than 1%. This is irrational logic and an irrational approach."
-Dr. Maria Neira, Director, Department of Public Health, Environment, and Social Determinants, WHO
"We find that are numerous actors working on the clean cooking space, but we are doing it from our own different areas. And this is one of the reasons why we haven’t made progress, our efforts are not aligned, we are not optimizing them, and we are competing with each other."
-Sheila Oparaocha, International Coordinator and Program Manager, ENERGIA
Michael Igoe
Senior Reporter, DEVEX

"Time poverty affects productivity of women and girls. They spend hours trying to collect firewood, cooking with stoves that are inefficient- meaning they are spending 3-4 hours a day on a single meal- and these are productive hours she could be using to empower herself."
-H.E. Hajia Samira Bawumia, Second Lady of the Republic of Ghana

The nutrients available in food sets a foundation for the growth and health of all. Insufficient diet poor nutrition and lack of breastfeeding contribute to child mortality and increased susceptibility to disease.

Joel Spicer
President and CEO,
Nutrition International
Dr. Katharina Lichtner
Managing Director of Family Larsson-Rosenquist Foundation
Dr. Million Belay
Founder, MELCA
Coordinator of the Alliance for Food
Sovereignty for Africa

Gillian Gibbs
Manager of Global Health Initiatives, Lions Club International Foundation

Margarita Astralaga
Director of Environment, Climate, Gender, and Social Division, IFAD

Dr. Michael Bukenya
Member of Ugandan Parliament, Chairperson, Parliamentary Committee on Health
Key Quotes from the panelists
“It is clear that nutrition is the connective tissue for most of the SDGs."
-Joel Spicer, President & CEO, Nutrition International
“We can look at UHC and how to treat diseases better but we should be focusing on creating healthy societies."
-Dr. Katharina Lichtner, Managing Director, Family Larsson-Rosenquist Foundation
"You cannot fix the nutrition system without fixing the food system."
-Million Belay, Founder, MELCA
Loyce Pace
Global Health Council's President
and Executive Director

Successful funding for UHC will ensure that governments can deliver quality health services in every community.

Greg Perry
Assistant Director General, IFPMA
Kathryn C. Kaufman
Managing Director, Global Women's Issues, Overseas Private Investment Corporation
Pape Gaye
President and CEO,
IntraHealth International

Sylvana Q. Sinha
Founder and CEO,
Praava Health

Dr. Sarbani Chakraborty
Senior Health Systems Strategy Leader
Lead, Health Systems Capacity at Global Access

Dr. Vanessa Kerry
Co-Founder and CEO,
Seed Global Health
Key Quotes from the panelists
“We face a fundamental funding gap to catch up from investments that we could have been and should have been making for a long time.”
-Dr. Vanessa Kerry, Founder, Seed Global Health
“Unless we get the commitment to agree that primary health care is a foundation for any national health system, we won’t make enough progress.”
-Pape Gaye, President & CEO, IntraHealth International
To advance UHC by 2030, we need to: “Be customer focused and listen to people in communities and work backwards.”
-Dr. Sarbani Chakraborty, Lead, Health Systems Capacity, Roche
Ken Gustavsen
Chief of Staff and Strategy Officer
Social Business Innovation Merck

Vulnerable communities are the first to face the negative effects of environmental changes. As local touchpoints, community members may provide crucial services by alerting authorities to impending natural disasters and epidemics.

Dr. Agnes Binagwaho
Vice Chancellor University of Global Health Equity, Former Minister of Health, Rwanda

Dr. Stefan Germann
Chief Executive Officer,
Foundation Botnar

Dr. Harish Hande
Co-Founder, SELCO

Dr. John Coonrod
Executive Vice President,
The Hunger Project

Dr. Murtala Mai
Senior Program Director,

Dr. Abdourahmane Diallo
CEO, RBM Partnership to End Malaria
Key Quotes from the panelists
"Empowering communities is a science and those of us who are committed to empowering communities need to come together to work together as a movement."
-Dr. John Coonrod, Executive VP, The Hunger Project
"[We need to] Educate differently the people who are working with the communities. Change the paradigm of education, and put equity at the center of everything they do.”
-Dr. Agnes Binagwaho, Vice Chancellor, University of Global Health Equity
"It is critical to invest in digitally enabled youth as leaders for community systems strengthening at all levels.”
-Dr. Stefan Germann, CEO, Fondation Botnar
Dr. Mary-Ann Etiebet
Lead and Executive Director
Merck for Mothers

announcements & Awards ceremony

H.E. Amira El Fadil
H.E. Dr. Jakaya
Mrisho Kikwete
Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland
UHC Conference 2019 Awardees

Highlights from one by one conference 2019
UHC Conference 2019 supporters